Right click on Snow Transformation Pack 1.0.exe and select Run as administrator To prevent blocked by UAC on windows 7 or vista you must install this software as administrator.
I read in the STP discussion board some user cannot install this software on their windows 7 or Vista. Tips How to install Snow Leopard transformation pack The latest version, Snow transformation pack 1.0 released three days ago on August 2nd, 2010. This Transformation Pack will transform your Vista and windows 7 user interface to Mac OS X Snow Leopard, including Snow Leopard Welcome Screen, icons, wallpaper, Visual Style, Sounds, Dock and much more. If nothing’s happened, go back to the patching tutorial and do Step 4.b. theme file that you just pasted and voila Your theme should be active. Theme Activation: Run a Mac OS X Ultimate. theme files) to the C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder of your PC. Snow Transformation Pack only work and support for windows 7 and windows vista and work on both 32bit and 64 bit version but its not compatible with windows XP. Mac OS X Ultimate Theme: Extract the contents of Mac OS X theme (two folders and two. With this software you can transform your windows 7 desktop and make it like Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Snow transformation pack is the latest software innovation from Windows X’s Live. Make Windows 7 Desktop look like Mac OS X Snow Leopard with Snow Transformation pack (STP) you can make this happen.